Finding Music for Videos is Hard

Whenever making a video — whether a simple Instagram story or a YouTube clip, I like to add background music to add a mood. But I often have trouble finding a suitable track online. Available music tracks span multiple websites and services but are unorganized. There are some subscription options to libraries, but sometimes it is hard to justify the cost if the videos are just for fun. I found a free solution to these problems and wanted to share with you a tool I created to help you find copyright-free music for your personal videos.

Thousands of Music Tracks by Artists

A little while ago, I came across YouTube playlists with literally thousands of music tracks that have been offered for free use in personal projects! These tracks were created by artists who want to promote their work online. They offer a creative commons license that allows for music use in your personal projects as long as credit is given in the caption of the video. A win-win situation!

The Solution

While browsing on Youtube is nice, it is hard to keep track of where you are in a playlist after a few dozen songs. And there are video ads that periodically interrupt your experience. Instead, I put together a page that organizes these playlists by themes and hosted them on my website here, completely ad-free. I now use this Audio Library for all my personal projects. I also shared this with my friends and with their positive feedback, I thought to offer its use to all content creators across the web.

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I’ve made the page so that the music is separated into thematic categories. After choosing a category, you can just start playing a song and listen until you find one that is perfect for your project. They will play in the order shown. Sometimes I just have it playing in the background until I hear the tune that’ll be perfect. You can also choose the “All Music” category if you prefer browsing without theme in mind. Finally, if you like to skip around you can also click on any thumbnail to start the playing of the selected song. Best part of all this? Not only are there thousands of music tracks, new ones get added to these lists periodically 🙂


  • Free to use in personal projects with attribution
  • Updated with new tracks periodically
  • Listen ad-free!
  • Easy to navigate
  • Separated into different categories: Bright, Calm, Cinematic, Dance, Dramatic, Funky, Happy, Inspirational, Pop, Romantic, All Music

To download the track and get instructions on how to provide credits, you can open up the video and get the link in the caption. Oh by the way, if you want to use any of the music for commercial use, each artist has their own policy — I suggest just checking their website for further detail.

The Tool

Here’s my link: A Tool for Finding Copyright-Free Music

By the way, if you find this tool useful, let me know on Instagram or Facebook — it’ll motivate me to share more tools for all of you videographers and cinematographers out there. Happy creating, everyone! 🙂